I completely believe in judging a book by it's cover. Cover artists are supposed to lure me, the potential reader, in by merely looking at the cover- so if they've succeeded, who am I to fight it? If you've reeled me in, the next thing is to flip the book over, and read the blurb. Looks good! Something I can reallllyyy sink my teeth into, ah- now, time for a price check.
Thirteen dollars!? For a book!? No wonder my mom grabs the first books off of the el cheapo rack, regardless of title, and throws them into her handcart. They always turn out to be books about angels, human/pet bonds, or some nature picture-book. Needless to say, not exactly a prime example of classical American literature.
Damn you, large book-selling chain of trendy community college goers, in your dark-rimmed, plastic glasses, with your choppy haircuts, tight pants, and rounded flats! Many a fist was shaken at this cheating store. Thirteen dollars, indeed! How about I just stay in the store for free, plop myself down with the book, and spend my thirteen bucks on a handful of mocha-lattes?
Then it hit me! Here I was, indulging in as much big-city fantasy as this crappy excuse for a township has to offer, ready to shun the book-buying business in lieu of the over-priced iced-coffee drink racket, when it occurred to me that I would be able to read a book, in my own home, with my own coffee, stretched on the couch in nothing by my tank top and skivvies. How?
Visit the library. So, please- God knows all authors need somebody to buy their books, but if you're poor and just want to relax and not hear the ever-knowledgeable younger generations argue over who is the better politician, Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart, then go to the library! It's filled with real smart people.
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